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Korves Oliver •  618-939-6681
6501 C Rd. • Waterloo, IL 62298

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  • Governor Bushing

    Governor Bushing

    Governor Bushing  New style bushing in front of block. Does not require thrust washer Fits 66/77/88/Super 55/Super 66/Super 77/Super 88/550/660/770/880/1600/1800/1550/1650/1750/1850/1555/1655/1755/1855

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  • Rubber Grommet Kit

    Rubber Grommet Kit

    Rubber Grommet kit for dash. Fits inside dash, protects wiring harnesses and battery cables. Fits 66/77/88/Super 55/Super 66/Super 77/Super 88/550/660/770/880

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  • Safety Wire

    Safety Wire

    Safety Wire   This is a safety feature for your ignition system. It protects your system from a short due to a malfunction of the generator or a short in the system. This was not an original feature on the tractors. This replaces the wire from...

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